Land and Site Development

Tight street?

When looking for the right building lot, accessibility of the lot is an important piece to pay attention to. We will need to assess this with you and verify that we can get the trucks and carriers into the lot. It doesn’t always work, like it wouldn’t here! #modular #newhomeconstruction #buildinglot...

Considering site access

When considering a building site, you have to be aware of the access to the site. There are long trucks who have to make the journey to your site with wide turn radiuses. Does the road to your driveway look like this? Send us the location so we can help you assess things! #construction #buildingsite #modular...

We build on your lot

One big important step in building is finding land to build your house on. Do you have land already or are you looking? Does it need to be cleared? Where are the utilities? If it’s on a hill, will you need a lot of stone to make the grade work for your driveway? Lots to think about. Give us a call and we’ll help! 😀 #newconstruction #newhomeconstruction #buffalomodularhomes...

Help! How do I build a Buffalo Modular Home?!? 10 Easy steps! We get this question asked all the time: “How do I get started building my modular home?” Nia gives 10 easy steps to consider as you begin your journey! 1) Have you looked at existing homes? 2) Are you sold on building a modular home? 3) Have you explored financing? 4) Do you own land or do you need to purchase? {We build on your lot.} 5)...

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